Annual General Meeting 26 March 2025

You are cordially invited to attend the AGM of Marylebone Forum,
at 6.30pm on Tuesday 18 April, at St Marylebone Parish Church


We were designated as the neighbourhood planning forum for Marylebone by Westminster City Council in 2015.

We aim to make the area even better by using the mentioned as a means to address our three core themes and piorrities - Air Quality & Sustainability, Community & Wellbeing, and Spaces & Streets – as identified through consultation with local people and stakeholders.

The Marylebone Forum:

– Is developing a Neighbourhood Plan for Marylebone
– Supports and endorses applications for Neighbourhood CIL Funding
– Acts as a positive voice for Marylebone, representing residents as well as businesses and other stakeholders in the community on plans and initiatives that affect the area.


The Forum committee is made up of resident and non-resident representatives from Marylebone.
We meet at least four times a year and are voted in at our AGM.


Penny Alexander
Baker Street Quarter Partnership

Penny is Chief Executive of Baker Street Quarter Partnership, a BID representing c.200 businesses and landowners in the wider Baker Street area. The organisation works to drive forward positive change to ensure a thriving and prosperous community for everyone, with a range of initiatives including public realm improvements, facilitating security monitoring and training, social and wellbeing events and activities, area promotion and encouraging sustainability. Penny’s priorities for Marylebone are to continue to enhance the area for those that work in, live in and visit the area and believes strongly in a collaborative approach to achieving this, bringing together businesses, their employees and residential communities.

Kay Buxton
Marble Arch BID

Kay is Chief Executive of Marble Arch London BID, which stretches from Park Lane to Paddington Green and includes Marble Arch and Edgware Road at the Forum’s western boundary. The BID works with businesses, landlords, estates and the local community to improve Edgware Road and its surroundings, through a dedicated Street Team, public realm improvements, destination marketing, volunteering, and training to the 200 offices, shops, hotels, and restaurants, that make up the business community. As a Chartered Town Planner Kay is supporting the Plan Sub-committee to develop the Neighbourhood Plan for Marylebone.

The Revd Canon Dr Stephen Evans
St Marylebone Parish Church

Stephen became Rector of St Marylebone (both the geographical area and the parish church) in September 2010 and lives locally with his family in Beaumont Street. Stephen’s priorities for the area include tackling the issues of air quality, traffic congestion and limited green and open spaces. He believes in investing in the quality of community life for everyone in Marylebone to make it a true living, sustainable and vibrant place where people want to live, work, study and shop.

Simon Loomes (Secretary & Acting Chair)
The Portman Estate

Simon is Strategic Projects Director for The Portman Estate, a company which comprises 110 acres of Marylebone including frontages on Oxford Street and Baker Street. His responsibilities cover the delivery of the Estate’s major development schemes as well as area-wide strategies including town planning, stakeholder engagement and public realm. Simon’s priority for Marylebone is to see sustainability become a core focus, putting air quality, the environment and wellbeing at the heart of regeneration in the area. Simon was elected as Secretary in 2020.

Andrea Merrington
Howard de Walden Estate

Andrea Merrington, Planning Director at the Howard de Walden Estate, heads up the Town Planning team and is responsible for all matters relating to design and conservation and town planning across 92 acres of principally medical, office, residential and retail property in Marylebone which makes up the Estate. Andrea joined the Estate is 2009 and plays a significant role in not only Town Planning but also engagement with valued stakeholders such as Westminster City Council, surrounding businesses and occupiers around the Estate. Andrea is currently the vice chair of the Westminster Property Association’s Senior Advisory Committee and sits on the Board of the Harley Street Partnership BID.

Nicki Palmer
Harley Street BID

Nicki is Director of the Harley Street BID. Nicki has significant experience and knowledge of BIDs, having worked from the inception stages, through the ballot process and to the delivery of many successful BIDs across London. In April 2020, She took on the exciting challenge of developing the Harley Street Partnership, and the Partnership became a formalised BID in December 2021. Nicki is determined that the Harley Street BID will position itself as an effective tool to ensure the business community is fully engaged across its footprint. Nicki will lead on planning the future of the Harley Street BID area and strive to deliver and guarantee that the BID brings value, a sense of community, recognition for the wealth of medical expertise and a collective voice for local businesses.

Nathan Parsad-Wyatt
New West End Company

Bio coming soon





Penny is Chief Executive of Baker Street Quarter Partnership, a BID representing c.200 businesses and landowners in the wider Baker Street area. The organisation works to drive forward positive change to ensure a thriving and prosperous community for everyone, with a range of initiatives including public realm improvements, facilitating security monitoring and training, social and wellbeing events and activities, area promotion and encouraging sustainability. Penny’s priorities for Marylebone are to continue to enhance the area for those that work in, live in and visit the area and believes strongly in a collaborative approach to achieving this, bringing together businesses, their employees and residential communities.

Kay is Chief Executive of Marble Arch London BID, which stretches from Park Lane to Paddington Green and includes Marble Arch and Edgware Road at the Forum’s western boundary. The BID works with businesses, landlords, estates and the local community to improve Edgware Road and its surroundings, through a dedicated Street Team, public realm improvements, destination marketing, volunteering, and training to the 200 offices, shops, hotels, and restaurants, that make up the business community. As a Chartered Town Planner Kay is supporting the Plan Sub-committee to develop the Neighbourhood Plan for Marylebone.

Stephen became Rector of St Marylebone (both the geographical area and the parish church) in September 2010 and lives locally with his family in Beaumont Street. Stephen’s priorities for the area include tackling the issues of air quality, traffic congestion and limited green and open spaces. He believes in investing in the quality of community life for everyone in Marylebone to make it a true living, sustainable and vibrant place where people want to live, work, study and shop.

Simon is Strategic Projects Director for The Portman Estate, a company which comprises 110 acres of Marylebone including frontages on Oxford Street and Baker Street. His responsibilities cover the delivery of the Estate’s major development schemes as well as area-wide strategies including town planning, stakeholder engagement and public realm. Simon’s priority for Marylebone is to see sustainability become a core focus, putting air quality, the environment and wellbeing at the heart of regeneration in the area. Simon was elected as Secretary in 2020.

Andrea Merrington, Planning Director at the Howard de Walden Estate, heads up the Town Planning team and is responsible for all matters relating to design and conservation and town planning across 92 acres of principally medical, office, residential and retail property in Marylebone which makes up the Estate. Andrea joined the Estate is 2009 and plays a significant role in not only Town Planning but also engagement with valued stakeholders such as Westminster City Council, surrounding businesses and occupiers around the Estate. Andrea is currently the vice chair of the Westminster Property Association’s Senior Advisory Committee and sits on the Board of the Harley Street Partnership BID.

Nicki is Director of the Harley Street BID. Nicki has significant experience and knowledge of BIDs, having worked from the inception stages, through the ballot process and to the delivery of many successful BIDs across London. In April 2020, She took on the exciting challenge of developing the Harley Street Partnership, and the Partnership became a formalised BID in December 2021. Nicki is determined that the Harley Street BID will position itself as an effective tool to ensure the business community is fully engaged across its footprint. Nicki will lead on planning the future of the Harley Street BID area and strive to deliver and guarantee that the BID brings value, a sense of community, recognition for the wealth of medical expertise and a collective voice for local businesses.

Bio coming soon




Michael has lived in Marylebone for the past 20 years and has been involved in a large number of community matters over that time. Since 2009 he has sat on the Marylebone Association Committee dealing with many different areas of interest to residents, including licensing, planning, transport and city management. He was Chairman of the Marylebone Association between 2013 and 2016 and again from 2019 to 2022. During this time he has been keen to ensure residents’ concerns are represented effectively and has been heavily involved with many issues of concern to those who live in Marylebone. Michael has participated in the Marylebone Forum since its inception and prior to that the neighbourhood area designation process.

Alan has lived in Marylebone with his family for over 30 years, committed with his wife Anne to supporting their local community. He is a member of The Marylebone Association. Alan also remains active as an investor in early-stage internet companies and understands the requirements of small businesses of their working environment. He has travelled widely in his previous career in finance and management consultancy, including periods as a resident of Mexico City and São Paulo. He has a keen interest in big cities and how their planning policies and built spaces can best be designed to meet multiple and often competing demands. The imperative he believes is to protect and sustain the human scale and quality of life for individuals who live and work in neighbourhoods such as Marylebone.

Sarah represents both the residential and worker communities having lived locally for 32 years, bringing up her family, as well as working as a solicitor for Streathers in Baker Street. She is also a school governor for the St Marylebone CE School. Her priorities for Marylebone are to ensure that it remains a good place to live, work and visit by supporting the needs of all of the area’s users.

Linda joined the Marylebone Association when she moved into the area in 2018, and covers community liaison issues on the committee. When Covid struck, she helped to set up and run the MA Covid-19 support group, working with other residents’ groups, Westminster City Council and other organisations. Linda is an Honorary Research Fellow in Urban Ecology at the Centre for Environmental Policy at Imperial College London, where she worked for many years. Her research has spanned sustainable development and London’s air quality and mycology. Linda would like to see more rigorous public consultations, evidence-driven policy and a stronger voice for residents in Marylebone.

Ann Marie has been a resident homeowner in Marylebone for over 25 years and spent much of her working life based in the area and the West End. During this time, she has also played key roles in the community including being a trustee of Manchester Square, an NHS Health Champion on behalf of a local GP practice and sitting on various community committees including the Safer Neighbourhood Panel. Ann Marie's priority for Marylebone is to ensure the best possible quality of life for local residents and workers in the area.

Ian has lived in Marylebone for 40 years and prior to retirement, worked as a chartered surveyor in the area with a significant amount of his work related to properties in Marylebone. Ian would like to see a continuation of improvements to Marylebone for its residents, those who work here, as well as visitors. Ian was elected as Treasurer in 2019.

Julie was the Chair of the Marylebone Association from 2023-24. She has lived and worked in the area since 2005, was married in the Marylebone Town Hall and has a child at school in Marylebone. Her background is in medical training and pharmacology, having previously worked as an NHS A&E nurse. Julie stood as a candidate in the 2022 local elections. She believes the Marylebone community is like a family and she wants to make Marylebone a safer, cleaner area, to conserve green spaces and the character of the area, to help families and businesses thrive.

Yael was the Chair of Marylebone Forum between 2018-2025. She has lived in Marylebone for 20 years and became involved in local community matters in 2008 after hearing about plans to build on the Luxborough Street playground. With concerns about the lack of positive healthy opportunities for youngsters and the impact this has on the community, Yael helped to set up the campaign to save the playground, which then led to joining Marylebone Forum. Yael’s priorities include the provision of open access play space, the redevelopment of Seymour Leisure Centre and Library and encouraging the switch to electric vehicles.

Steve moved to Marylebone in 2005 and instantly loved the sense of community he found there, with the mix of long-term residents alongside businesses choosing to operate here creating a special neighbourhood. After finishing a career in the defence & security sectors in 2018, Steve has become ever more active in local issues and especially so with the onset of the pandemic, volunteering at GP surgeries and vaccination centres as well as supporting vulnerable residents. Steve has recently become chair of the Harrowby & District Residents Association and, as such, sits on the committee of the Marylebone Association. Steve’s priorities for Marylebone are a safe, walkable, cycle-friendly neighbourhood served effectively by local authority and police services so that it continues to be a great place to live as well as visit.

Michael Bolt

Michael has lived in Marylebone for the past 20 years and has been involved in a large number of community matters over that time. Since 2009 he has sat on the Marylebone Association Committee dealing with many different areas of interest to residents, including licensing, planning, transport and city management. He was Chairman of the Marylebone Association between 2013 and 2016 and again from 2019 to 2022. During this time he has been keen to ensure residents’ concerns are represented effectively and has been heavily involved with many issues of concern to those who live in Marylebone. Michael has participated in the Marylebone Forum since its inception and prior to that the neighbourhood area designation process.

Alan Bristow

Alan has lived in Marylebone with his family for over 30 years, committed with his wife Anne to supporting their local community. He is a member of The Marylebone Association. Alan also remains active as an investor in early-stage internet companies and understands the requirements of small businesses of their working environment. He has travelled widely in his previous career in finance and management consultancy, including periods as a resident of Mexico City and São Paulo. He has a keen interest in big cities and how their planning policies and built spaces can best be designed to meet multiple and often competing demands. The imperative he believes is to protect and sustain the human scale and quality of life for individuals who live and work in neighbourhoods such as Marylebone.

Sarah Buttleman

Sarah represents both the residential and worker communities having lived locally for 32 years, bringing up her family, as well as working as a solicitor for Streathers in Baker Street. She is also a school governor for the St Marylebone CE School. Her priorities for Marylebone are to ensure that it remains a good place to live, work and visit by supporting the needs of all of the area’s users.

Linda Davies

Linda joined the Marylebone Association when she moved into the area in 2018, and covers community liaison issues on the committee. When Covid struck, she helped to set up and run the MA Covid-19 support group, working with other residents’ groups, Westminster City Council and other organisations. Linda is an Honorary Research Fellow in Urban Ecology at the Centre for Environmental Policy at Imperial College London, where she worked for many years. Her research has spanned sustainable development and London’s air quality and mycology. Linda would like to see more rigorous public consultations, evidence-driven policy and a stronger voice for residents in Marylebone.

Ann Marie Johnson

Ann Marie has been a resident homeowner in Marylebone for over 25 years and spent much of her working life based in the area and the West End. During this time, she has also played key roles in the community including being a trustee of Manchester Square, an NHS Health Champion on behalf of a local GP practice and sitting on various community committees including the Safer Neighbourhood Panel. Ann Marie's priority for Marylebone is to ensure the best possible quality of life for local residents and workers in the area.

Ian Macpherson  (Treasurer)

Ian has lived in Marylebone for 40 years and prior to retirement, worked as a chartered surveyor in the area with a significant amount of his work related to properties in Marylebone. Ian would like to see a continuation of improvements to Marylebone for its residents, those who work here, as well as visitors. Ian was elected as Treasurer in 2019.

Julie Redmond

Julie was the Chair of the Marylebone Association from 2023-24. She has lived and worked in the area since 2005, was married in the Marylebone Town Hall and has a child at school in Marylebone. Her background is in medical training and pharmacology, having previously worked as an NHS A&E nurse. Julie stood as a candidate in the 2022 local elections. She believes the Marylebone community is like a family and she wants to make Marylebone a safer, cleaner area, to conserve green spaces and the character of the area, to help families and businesses thrive.

Yael Saunders

Yael was the Chair of Marylebone Forum between 2018-2025. She has lived in Marylebone for 20 years and became involved in local community matters in 2008 after hearing about plans to build on the Luxborough Street playground. With concerns about the lack of positive healthy opportunities for youngsters and the impact this has on the community, Yael helped to set up the campaign to save the playground, which then led to joining Marylebone Forum. Yael’s priorities include the provision of open access play space, the redevelopment of Seymour Leisure Centre and Library and encouraging the switch to electric vehicles.

Steve Thomas

Steve moved to Marylebone in 2005 and instantly loved the sense of community he found there, with the mix of long-term residents alongside businesses choosing to operate here creating a special neighbourhood. After finishing a career in the defence & security sectors in 2018, Steve has become ever more active in local issues and especially so with the onset of the pandemic, volunteering at GP surgeries and vaccination centres as well as supporting vulnerable residents. Steve has recently become chair of the Harrowby & District Residents Association and, as such, sits on the committee of the Marylebone Association. Steve’s priorities for Marylebone are a safe, walkable, cycle-friendly neighbourhood served effectively by local authority and police services so that it continues to be a great place to live as well as visit.

Area Boundary

Marylebone Forum is designated to represent this area